I believe Fiona would play overwatch for the support she needs
Hi, I make NSFW stuff for adults only (ages 18+ and above) :3
Slave to the world
Joined on 1/14/15
I believe Fiona would play overwatch for the support she needs
I'm personally glad that you are taking time to truly enjoy your work and not get burnout. It can really ruin a career. I'd rather have 1 animation a year than have a shitty animation every week.
I'm so dissapointed in the MHA fandom that they're that toxic they prevented us from having an MHA animation. But it's the smartest choice. Enjoy!
I like the use of the stock images and the monotone robotic voice they are quite funny. Good editing. Also that ending lol.
I love your song choices, by far my fav on that list is yellow line by James shimoji, I just love that whole movie though
@Maxtaylor68 I totally agree. It sucks tho since that's something I never knew I needed. Now I'll think about it for the rest of my days
Funny Q&A video. One question though, was that your voice reveal?
No way he going full public like souldnt the kids not know of him?
The last second of the video is the best xD
@DrProton I think it's a text to speech thing
@MEGAknight34199 Well, yeah man, I was talking about the male voice in the video
I came here cause I was fascinated by the youtube short for the cursed prince, didnt know it was a porn at first, thought the villain was really interesting and I wanted to know more so I could potentially use her as a villain in a dnd campaign. long story short, I didnt use her as a villain in my campaign but discovered something about myself lol
It's quite possible many might disagree with what I will state right here, but honestly, I think it's a good thing that characters like Pixen change in some way as time goes on, and I don't think it's a bad thing that she might be moved onto a safe-for-work setting. It makes those characters seem more realistic and interesting, since they aren't stale, but have actual character development, so for longer-lasting characters like Pixen, such changes will only enrich and deepen the lore. Besides, humans are also vulnerable to change as time goes on.
Gringos no hablo inglés hagan sus preguntas
This was really funny! I’ve been a fan for a while, and it’s been really refreshing to get to know you more through this video! Keep up the good work, you rock!
I loved looking for the lil chibi in every scene. Felt like a fun little game
i just wanna say, your a big reason i wanted to get into learning animation. there are many other inspirations, but the quality you put into them is what i hope to one day achieve ;P hope lifes treating you good today. ids love to see you do some sfw stuff i fully support that ;)
Derpixon, what are you.
Not wanting to deal with the MHA fan base is a very smart choice. Those people are complete lunatics, you'd probably end up having to deal with death threats if you went against a certain ship.