Looking forward to seeing whatcha got, Derp!
Hi, I make NSFW stuff for adults only (ages 18+ and above) :3
Slave to the world
Joined on 1/14/15
Looking forward to seeing whatcha got, Derp!
You deserve some rest. Motivation is the most important thing if you are the kind of artist who loves to give detail to their work
Good to know. It's great to get your name out for your talents. Nsfw or not. I will look up to whatever you post!
Honesty your Final Fantasy animation was so great I'm excited for anything you put out!
Don't sweat it man. We understand
Found you through the nsfw, stayed for the quailty of work. SFW or NSFW you got skill and I want to seewhat you do with it.
Derpixon sfw arc is gonna go hard as hell
Брат, играй в старкрафт 2, станет легче
Try doing more fighting. JUST FUCKING RAGE RAGE!! FUCKING R A G E
That's just fine Derpi. Take your art in any direction that best fulfills your creative needs. It'll be neat to see some non-Cutsu SFW material.
school shooting
have fun learning a different field, looking forward to seeing what you make.
Wait, what about Pixen?
On serious note - your SFW stuff is great too, looking forward to seeing it
Miss seeing Pixen, would love some sfw wholesome stuff with her. The cupcake doesn’t always need to get frosted to satisfy!
Hey, it's always good to cleanse your palate. You're out if motivation. When you finally do come back you'll probably feel refreshed. Heck, go exploring with your creative talents. Do things you normally wouldn't set time for doing but thought about.
Take your time, and thank you for sharing your art.
You got to look after yourself first. Good luck and best wishes.
Imagine game about Fendeltales
Was kind of getting that sense, as much as your recent stuff has been great. Hope it helps and whatever you do I know it'll be high quality, you've already proven your ability to do action, comedy, or whatever you're feeling.
Nice, you are doing great! :P