Hey everyone, It's been awhile since I posted stuff here so I'll just post some updates real quick.
- Sorry for the lack of content, I've been making a SFW project for a Newgrounds Collab these past few months. It should be released soon. I've also been doing sfw sketches for awhile now just for a change of pace.
- I'm slowly getting back to working on NSFW stuff, and I just released FGO related content. That one was made in ToonBoom Harmony (not Flash this time!) so I'm hoping to figure out how it works more and be efficient with it.
- Pornhub deleted my account because they found some of my content to be problematic (Full twitter thread here). but I made a new one just so I can still put up alternate video links (DerpixonPH)
Don't be ashamed for not posting enough content, keeping us up to date is fine enough.